Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

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Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

It’s always a great day to start drinking healthy breakfast smoothies as a part of your fitness and nutrition plan. I love the fact that my healthy smoothie recipes can give me a real head start on getting in those vitamins and minerals that my body needs for optimum health and energy. My favorite green smoothie contains practically all of the nutrition I need in a day,so the rest of my healthy snacks and clean eating meals are icing on the cake!

I am a preventative health advocate. I would rather prevent the disease than take a pill to control it. While sometimes we can just be unlucky and get sick anyway, my doctor tells me that eating right, exercising, and dramatically reducing stress would keep most people out of her office. She is on a mission to get all of her patients doing yoga, eating clean, and finding time to hit the gym a few times a week. I am very happy to have found a proactive doctor who supports the very core of my fitness and nutrition beliefs.

positive outlook, time spent in prayer and meditation, healthy relationships, exercise, and a healthy diet really can make you strong and healthy. Not only will you be physically strong, but your mind and spirit will greatly benefit as well.

I know a lot of people who just don’t want to mess with eating clean and exercising. They really do want their doctors to just put them on medication that will keep them going, even though they are sick. Diabetes? How about shooting up with insulin? Heart disease? How about a host pills with harmful side effects while still downing that greasy cheeseburger and fries? Knee pain? Why not take scary pills and surgery, rather than helping them with weight reduction, exercise, and an anti-inflammatory diet?

I prefer the idea of living out my days feeling vibrant, happy, strong, and able. I know that I don’t have control over the number of days that I am given on this earth, but I can take charge and make good decisions concerning my overall health. I know that most of you that are reading about healthy breakfast smoothies are already practicing great habits, or are ay least interested in learning how to eat better. Good for  you!!! You will have amazing results!!

Bonus! Protein smoothies for weight loss include the ingredients in this recipe!

Check out this beautiful protein smoothie with greens and fruit. It is delicious and so nutritious!

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

How to make a smoothie:

3 cups of Almond Milk (or any milk of your choice)
3 big scoops of your favorite protein powder (portions may vary)
3 tbsp. of Hemp Seed
1 handful of baby spinach or baby kale
3 cups of your favorite frozen berries

Put all ingredients into a high powered blender and mix until smooth.  Serve and enjoy!

Health benefits


Berries are full of health benefits! they are heart heathy and can help with you digestion. Their natural sweetness makes this smoothie just the perfect amount of deliciousness.

Leafy greens are the most nutrient dense food.  They also contain the most vitamins and minerals such as potassium and vitamin K, as well as xanthein and lutein (antioxidants that fight disease).

Almonds are a great source of good fats, protein, and help fight inflammation. It’s also a great source of calcium since it contains twice as much as a milk, cup for cup. That helps dairy free people like me!

Hemp Seeds are loaded with protein and fiber, they contain Vitamin A, Calcium, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus, Zinc,Iron, Riboflavin, Folate, Magnesium and Manganese. Plus,they taste really great!

I have aded this to my rotation of healthy breakfast smoothies. The taste is wonderfully satisfying, and the instant energy provided makes me ready to go. I love to use it as my post workout, since it is so high in protein and antioxidants. The strawberries even provide more energy and help me not to get as sore. It is a great complement to the wonderfully beneficial pre workout that fuels me and helps me power through my routines.

We really think that you will begin to notice  improvements in the way you feel, so drink up to your health!

Happy beautiful life!

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