Clean Eating Shopping

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Clean Eating Shopping

Clean eating shopping made easy! Good for you! Nutrition is the key player in your fitness and nutrition plan, and a good eating clean meal plan can set you up for great success. Your body will thank you in a million ways!

To get you started on what to buy on your clean eating shopping trip, let’s go with Emmy on her clean eating grocery store haul. She is funny and full of great ideas for your healthy eating adventure! I have been on her nutrition plan for several years and I have never felt better or been healthier.

Clean Eating Shopping

Clean Eating Shopping

One thing that really helps me stick to my desire to eat clean is to make a shopping list before I go to the store. Now, list making is a form of torture for me, so that may help you understand how important I think it is to make a list and stick to it. I am that girl who walks into a shoe store, and instead of feeling excited about all of the choices of pretty shoes to wear, I am overwhelmed and can’t think of any of my clothes that need shoes to complete the look. So I either buy a pair of shoes that I will never wear, or, more likely, I leave with nothing.

Clean Eating Shopping List

The same thing happens to me if I am unprepared for my clean eating shopping list by checking in with what I need and making a grocery list. If I am starving, matters are only made worse. Those quick, easy, packaged foods will begin singing their siren song, and pretty soon dissolve my resolve to stick to clean foods.

Making a list is at the top of my strategy for grocery shopping if I want to stay within my budget. Honestly, eating for health can be very expensive unless you are careful and plan well. Just going up and down the aisles and buying whatever calls out to you may result in food that ruins before you can consume it, or the buying of items you won’t want to consume once your post grocery shopping sanity returns.

Clean Eating Plan

The other thing that helps me is to prepare a meal plan that allows me to plan ahead so that I have meals that can be made quickly if I am in a hurry. i also want to have meals on hand that taste great and are satisfying as well as clean. I don’t want my family to feel that eating for a healthy body means being deprived of the joy of eating.

Clean Eating Recipes

Eating happens to be one of my favorite activities, but because I do my clean eating shopping and rarely eat out, I am slender, fit, and very healthy. You will see in Emmy’s video that we have lots of yummy healthy snacks, including chocolate! We have our favorite healthy pancakessmoothies, and delicious meals. You can start with small changes and work your way into a totally healthy diet. We have to eat gluten free, and I have to be dairy free, and we have found many delicious and satisfying gluten freevegan, and clean eating recipes that we love. You don’t have to feel deprived to eat clean!

Once your body adjusts to your better diet, it will lose the old cravings and only want good, nutritious foods. After all, food is energy for your body, and you were meant to move and to burst with the energy of vibrant health. My doctor is on a mission to get her patients eat right, exercise, and reduce stress. These strategies eliminate inflammation in your body, leaving you with optimal health rather the modern day diseases that be completely avoided with a healthy lifestyle. Avoid disease? Im all in for that, aren’t you?

You can do it! Try keeping your clean eating grocery shopping trip to the fresh foods and natural foods sections of your favorite store. Avoiding the aisles that contain sugary, processed foods will keep them from accidentally jumping into your cart as you walk by. Your waist line will begin to diminish, your eyes will shine, your skin will glow, and your energy will soar.

Clean eating shopping does take a bit of homework, at least until you get really good at it. Is it always fun to be disciplined about what you put into your mouth? Absolutely not. Sometimes it’s no fun at all. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Try it and you will begin to see why I am completely sold on sticking to my clean eating plan. I feel fabulous, and I have the energy I need to live my best life. I want the same for you!

Happy beautiful life!

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