It is quite widely acknowledged that the woman who maintains a optimism in her lifestyle not only appears more youthful but experiences a more satisfying and joyful lifestyle. Her social life is richer, filled with people with positive attitudes. She is involved in community and church work that benefits the struggling or forgotten members of our community. Acquaintances, both young and old, seek her counsel. Her enthusiasm is contagious and therefore she is sought after in many social and servant oriented groups.
This is not one-sided. The energy and optimism in those groups enhances this woman’s life and she grows mentally and spiritually as she responds. The woman with a positive attitude is less judgmental as she learns not to let others determine her own self worth. She is a generous and loving individual. Yet, she holds others accountable while expecting the same of herself.
Positive Attitude
Stepping up to being a strong woman with a positive attitude, able to handle the challenges of life that we all face at some time or another, begins with baby steps. It is about making choices – making the right choices. It may take years to develop the character that earns you a reputation of being a well-balanced decision maker, a person of integrity, dependability and responsibility. A really bad choice can destroy that stellar reputation in just a few minutes. In my own life, while depending on the inner strength that is mine through faith, the wisdom to choose rightly has taken me through choppy waters. Although not all choices were wise, the course was clear and devastation avoided.
Choices are ours to make each day. From the early hours as to what to wear, what to eat, who to call, couch potato or energizing walk, make the bed or skip it, tackle the project head-on or procrastinate, choices, choices, choices. Dealing with choices in a positive manner makes our day more productive, lessens our stress and leaves us less tired at the end of the day.
Positive Thinking
We all deal with problems differently. We are prone to go over and over the same things when making a decision, much like being on a treadmill and never really getting anywhere. If that is a problem in your life, may I suggest making a two column list of pros and cons. Make yourself write them down so that you will have to deal with them. This will organize your thoughts and allow you to think them through either quickly or over time, but in an orderly and accurate manner.
A daily choice, one that will help us master the other choices that may loom as ominous and earth shattering, is to decide to routinely do the things that you know will improve your day. This will remove those things from the list that demands you make a choice. Whatever the day holds, start with a few minutes of quiet time to center yourself mentally and spiritually. Then, without delay, shower and dress for the occasions of the day, eat a high protein breakfast and work in an early morning walk, if possible. These are the known factors that will provide the motivation to make your day more productive and joyful.
Practice these graces until they become a natural part of who you are: greet others with a smile, hug someone appropriately, encourage someone to go ahead of you in line, speak in a more gentle voice, and, above all, be kind. The world is starving for a gentle and kind people. This in no way detracts from being seen as strong, motivated, an accomplished leader and a productive individual. Rather, it says that you are comfortable in yourself and can afford to be generous with grace.
Wishing you a positive attitude day, filled with optimism and wonderful surprises. Here’s a suggestion for dinner tonight so you won’t have to be burdened with yet another choice –
Salmon Salad Recipe
- Toss your favorite green salad filled with a mix of healthful ingredients.
- Top with a grilled salmon fillet. Choose wild salmon over farmed salmon.
- Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Sprinkle fillets with a little sea salt and ground black pepper. If you desire, add seasoning salt or any spice.
- Place in skillet skin side up and cook 4-5 minutes, flip it and do another 4-5 minutes on the other side. Place one fillet on top of each individual salad and serve.
- Voila – dinner done – tasty and healthful.
Relax – choose to relax before retiring for the night. Don’t feed your worries in the evenings. Sleep well.